

Farklı Kalibre Mühimmat

9 X 19 MM

Projectil material: Jacket - Tombac CuZnlO, Core - Lead antimony - Proppelling charge: Smokeless, single base, flake powder

5,56 X 45 MM

Penetration (M855/SS109): the bullet of the sample cartridges shall demonstrate complete penetration of 3.429 mm thickness AISI 1010 to 1020 steel plate target with hardness between min. RB55 and max. Rb70 positioned at 0 ° ± 5° obliquity and located 600 meters from the weapon.

7,62 X 39 MM

- Penetration (AP M61; API, APT): The bullet of the sample cartridgees shall demonstrate complete penetration of 6 mm thick nickel-chromium steel plate target located 100 meters from the weapon - Incendiary (API): At 100 m, the incendiary composition of bullets shall ignite paper soaked in petrol located behind the armorplate. - Accuracy : A* : for ammunition scheduled for packaging in cartons or clip B*: for ammunition scheduled for packaging in links.

7,62 X 51 MM

- Penetration (AP M61; API, APT): The bullet of the sample cartridgees shall demonstrate complete penetration of 6 mm thick nickel-chromium steel plate target located 100 meters from the weapon .. - Incendiary (API): At 100 m, the incendiary composition of bullets shall ignite paper soaked in petrol located behind the armorplate. - Accuracy : A* : for ammunition scheduled for packaging in cartons or clip B*: for ammunition scheduled for packaging in links

12,7 X 99 MM

Penetration (MS, M2, M20): The bullet core or bullet of the cartridge shall completely perforate 20 mm of armor plate placed at 100 m from the muzzle of the weapon. Incendiary flash (MS API): The incendiary composition of bullets shall ignite produce an incandescent flash when fired against an Al- target at 160 m ..c

12,7 X 108 MM

Penetration: The bullet of the sample cartridge shall demonstrate complete penetration of armour-plate (HPA-10) in sia at 100 meters from the weapon: - bullet B-32 and AP: 20 mm - bullet BZT-44: 15 mm


- PG-9V and PG-15V anti-tank HEAT grenades designed for destroying hostile armoured vehicles, mechanized troops and manpower in field-type shelters. - OG-9VM fragmentation grenade designed for destroying enemy troops in the open, in trenches, field-type shelters or brick fortifications. - For all grenades safe operational temperature range is for -40° to 50° C. Rate of fire is 4 -6 rds/min.


- Ignition cartridge M80 (waterproof). - Shell is completed with ignition cartridge and 4 increment charges (0+4). Shell Illumination M67 completed with waterproof increment charges. - High safety during transportation, handling and parachuting. - Reliable function of shell is obtained within temperature range of -30°C to 50°C


- Shell M72/M74 is completed with ignition cartridge and 6 increment charges (0+6). Shell Illumination M67 with ignition cartridge and 6 waterproofs increment charges (0+4) - High safety during transportation, handling and parachuting. - Reliable function of shell is obtained within temperature range of -30°C to 50°C